Iron Cross is the UK’s only magazine of German military history from the First World War to the end of the Second World War. Covering all aspects of German military history including the Imperial German forces of the Great War, the Weimar period and the Nazi period. Iron Cross prides itself on the highest quality production with stunning content in the unique and ground-breaking features, often revealing untold stories and publishing photographs that have never been seen before. Iron Cross features specially commissioned and innovative artwork in all issues.
Iron Cross
CONTRIBUTORS • Introducing you to some of our main contributors for this issue:-
Still Missing • During the 1970s, an excavation at the crash site of a Messerschmitt 410 near Eastbourne, East Sussex, unlocked the mystery of the disappearance of two Luftwaffe fliers as AndySaunders explains.
The Messerschmitt 410 ‘Hornisse’
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Storm of Steel • One of the best-known memoirs of fighting on the Western Front of the First World War by a German soldier is the internationally acclaimed ‘Storm of Steel’ by Ernst Jünger. Giles MacDonogh examines Jünger the soldier, diarist, and author.
“It Happened Here” • In our occasional examination of war films, Andy Saunders looks at a 1960s British film which portrayed an alternative ending of the Second World War.
A Sting in the Tail? • A strange piece of apparatus found fitted in the tail cone of some German bombers brought down over Britain in 1941 is considered by AndySaunders. But what is the story behind this unusual item of equipment?
Cocking a Leg on London • How a mystery image turned out to be something rather different to what it was initially believed to be is outlined by Andy Saunders.
Wespengeschwader • One of the most distinctive emblems carried on Luftwaffe aircraft during the Second World War was displayed by the Wespengeschwader. JohnVasco outlines its history, evolution, and usage.
My Luftwaffenhelferinnen Mother
Wardrobe Malfunction
Tiger Tank and Luftwaffe UXB • A look at news and developments in the field of German military history.
A Higher Form of Killing • Fritz Haber could have been remembered as one of the greatest figures in the history of science. Instead, as Dr Kit Chapman describes, he is remembered as its greatest villain and the father of chemical warfare.
Next Issue • The next issue of Iron Cross (Issue No. 13) will be on sale 29 June 2022 and the following features will be included as just some of the magazine’s exciting content.
Zerberus, Donnerkeil, and Fuller • On 12 February 1942, the German warships Scharnhorst, Gneisenau and Prinz Eugen brazenly sailed from Brest, through the Dover Strait, and back to Germany under very the noses of the British. ChrisGoss charts what happened that day.
The First to Fall • In our occasional feature looking at letters sent by German soldiers on active service, Gary Eberhardt details a tragic piece of correspondence sent to his grandmother from the Eastern Front.
A Blade’s Dark History • Many will be familiar with the SA and SS ceremonial daggers of the Nazi period. Some examples of these blades have an especially dark history, however, as Steve Nuwar explains.
Dirlewanger’s Demise • Following his feature on Oskar Dirlewanger’s murderous unit, Douglas E Nash charts its annihilation by the Red Army, ultimately leading to the death of Dirlewanger himself at the hands of his erstwhile victims.
Olympic Showjumper Saves the Day
Dirlewanger and his Monkey
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