High Country News is the nation's leading source of reporting on the Western United States. Through in-depth reporting, High Country News covers the West’s social, political and ecological issues.
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LETTERS • High Country News is dedicated to independent journalism, informed debate and discourse in the public interest. We welcome letters through digital media and the post. Send us a letter, find us on social media, or email us at editor@hcn.org.
The perils of wind energy work • In a growing industry, workers are organizing to keep one another safe.
Interpretation of Signs
How the West was won • A breakdown of voter trends in the region.
Anatomy of a swing state • Over the past decade, the electorate in Arizona and Nevada changed rapidly to include Gen Z voters, newly naturalized citizens and recent arrivals from out of state. In both states, the economy was cited as voters’ top priority: Nevada’s businesses were hit hard early in the pandemic, while Arizonans saw the cost of living soar.
Fire crews do more than fight fires • Resource advisors protect habitats and cultural resources from smoke and flames.
What a second Trump term could mean for tribes • From a reading of Project 2025, resource extraction and loss of protection for sacred places are key concerns.
Community-Centered Journalism
Thank you, readers! • Your generous and dedicated support makes these pages possible.
Can we find common ground? Readers respond
UP IN SMOKE • How a non-Native endeavor to grow cannabis on tribal lands fell apart.
The Prairie Dog Conundrum • Endearing and ingenious, these furry creatures are both keystone species and among the most despised animals in the West.
Prayer and persistence • After years of negotiation, over 200 cultural items have been returned to the Northern Arapaho Tribe.
Older than you • What we learn from an ancient desert species.
Cowboy up • The new year is what we make it.
Heard Around the West • Tips about Western oddities are appreciated and often shared in this column. Write heard@hcn.org.
#IAM THE WEST • RENEE HAWLEY (SHE/HER/REZBIAN) AANIIIH NATION (GROS VENTRE) Grass dancer, Mr. Montana Two-Spirit Hays, Montana, Fort Belknap Reservation