Discover the chilling world of ghosts and hauntings with this captivating book that explores the history and beliefs surrounding spectral phenomena from ancient times to the present day. Uncover the science behind ghostly experiences, delve into eerie legends, and learn about the paranormal investigators who blend traditional methods with modern technology to uncover supernatural secrets. Perfect for thrill-seekers and believers alike, this book offers a fascinating journey into the realm of phantoms, wraiths, and the unknown!
GHOSTLORE: STUDYING GHOSTS AND APPARITIONS • Ghosts are a worldwide, if otherworldly, phenomenon that can scare or comfort – and may offer us clues about the nature of our reality
GHOSTS IN THE ANCIENT WORLD • In antiquity, ghosts were an accepted part of the natural order – given ancient notions of the afterlife their return was all too understandable
THE HAUNTED AGES • The coming of Christianity left people seeking an explanation for how it was souls continued to visit the Earth with such spooky regularity
AN OBSESSION WITH DEATH • In an age when ‘resurrection men’ might dig up your corpse for anatomical study, there were those who feared the dead were escaping their graves in less physical form
MODERN DAY GHOSTS • Despite the best efforts of sceptics to debunk ghost sightings, many people even today claim to have been visited by those who have died
RADONITSA: THE DAY OF REJOICING • On Radonitsa, or the Day of Rejoicing, Orthodox Russians commemorate those who have passed away with food, gifts and ceremony
THURSDAY OF THE DEAD • On Thursday of the Dead, Arab Christians and Muslims alike share a feast to honor the souls of the departed
THE HUNGRY GHOST FESTIVAL • At the Buddhist Hungry Ghost Festival, spirits receive offerings intended to send them back to the afterlife without harming the living
SAMHAIN • Halloween may have largely replaced it, but Samhain is still one of the most important festivals in the Pagan year
THE THREE DAYS OF ALLHALLOWTIDE • Though Halloween is one of the most famous and widely celebrated holidays, it’s actually part of a three-day celebration known as Allhallowtide
DAY OF THE DEAD • Mexico’s iconic Day of the Dead, or Dia de Muertos, is renowned for its colorful and lively celebration of lost loved ones
THE GHOST DANCE • When Native Americans performed the Ghost Dance, they believed that the ritual would summon the spirits of the dead for the good of all their people
SÉANCES • Séances are widely seen as showmanship and hoaxes by many, but the origins of the practice are rooted in religion. Enter Spiritualism…
INVESTIGATING THE PARANORMAL • The paranormal has fascinated people for centuries, from bumps in the night to crackling EVPS. In the technological 21st century, ghost-hunting is more popular than ever
WATCHING THE PARANORMAL INVESTIGATORS • Why ghost-hunters have us glued to our sofas
GHOSTLY LIGHTS • Even though electric lights have lit up many dark places that ghosts may lurk there are many reports of apparitions who bring their own light
THE WILD HUNT • Often seen as a portent of tragedy, the legend of the Wild Hunt tearing through the skies struck fear into the hearts of our ancestors
THE HEADLESS HORSEMAN • The story of this headless fiend pervades modern urban legends and Halloween celebrations alike, but what is the truth behind the tale?
PHANTOM COACHES • It’s not just houses that can be haunted; empty highways still bustle with the sight of phantom coaches carrying their long-dead passengers